Easter with my parents!

We flew into Florida to shoot footage for a documentary project following ex-convicts and their mentors. The one week trip snowballed into five, which was fine for us and our families and friends who I'm certain were glad to have us back!
We were up and down between Aaron's family in the middle of the state and mine in Boca. I was glad to spend Easter with my parents and hide Easter baskets for the first time for the kids. You can see, Clover is very amused in this picture with her little chicks that walk and poop out gum. What fun! I will write more about our time in Florida soon and the project we are working on, and he impact it had on me. but for now, bed!


Brandi said...

Ok, those pictures count! SOOO cute! Can't wait for you to blog more. . .

love you bunches,

Unknown said...

Ok- where did you find the chickens that poop? I need one.

Love, Nici